Wesley, Rebecca, Mahlon and Sara Beth

Making memories TWO at a time!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

What is going on in the Day household??!!

SO I have a lot to blog about, but I am tired and don't want to write all of the drama down. I thought this would be an easy way to share the kind of week I have had.
Here are the highs and lows of my week so far. I am going to start with the lows and end on a happy note...

-My dad is still in the hospital. Going on 7 days! He is getting better but he has a long way to go!
-My husband is still working out of town!!
-Mahlon ate cat throw up for a snack on Sunday!!! OK he had it in his mouth for about 30 seconds...it looked just like a cheerio to him!! Luckily there have been no repercussions!
-Also on Sunday Mahlon got his leg stuck in the bed railing...I had to use crisco to grease his leg and rail to get it out!! This is way too much stress for me being home alone!
-In order to let out my frustrations from the previous lows I made a new flower bed. The ground was so hard I thought I was hitting concrete! My muscles were so sore the next day---and of course it is 100 degrees and everything is trying to die!

-I took the babies to the grocery store on Monday all by myself...this has never happened. We strolled in in the "mondo stroller" and I hooked a hand basket on each handle...we were a sight to see! I think I may try Wal-mart tomorrow!
-Mahlon cut a third tooth finally!! Sara Beth is working on 4,5,6 & 7 all at one time!
-Sara Beth can balance for a few seconds all by herself before landing on her hiney!
-My dad finally has a Doctor that is communicating with us and has a plan!
-Mahlon and Sara Beth learned to MOOOOO like a cow for DOC when we see him this weekend!

I am sure there are more things I have forgotten, these are just a few highlights! The bad thing is it is only Wednesday night!! We have had a busy week already!!